The Narayan Zen Story
"Autosuggestion: an influencing of one's own attitudes, behavior, or physical condition by mental processes other than conscious thought :
By Narayan Shankar
We design self-empowering clothing with autosuggestions embedded in graphic and typographical designs. But what exactly is autosuggestion? By definition, it is the hypnotic or subconscious adoption of an idea that originates from oneself through the repetition of verbal statements to change behavior. Autosuggestion involves self-suggestion or affirmations that are linked to beliefs and expectations, penetrating the subconscious mind to deliver a desired idea or desire into one's experience. Many successful individuals use this empowering technique to program their minds to only expect the results they desire.

Throughout my life, I have utilized a certain technique, even without fully comprehending it, with the understanding that it is both legitimate and effective. However, during my second semester in college, my economics professor recommended a book titled "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind" by Dr. Joseph Murphy. This book was a turning point in my life, as it introduced me to the power of autosuggestion and other techniques that can influence the subconscious mind through specific instructions. The book also acted as a stepping stone for me to delve deeper into the realms of spirituality and quantum physics. I then embarked on a mission to gain a comprehensive understanding of these concepts, delving into hundreds of additional books. This newfound knowledge has aided me in overcoming my darkest moments while also helping me achieve success in all areas of my life, including finances, emotions, physical health, spirituality, and mental well-being.
Each of us has experienced eye-opening moments and losses, with the importance of these experiences varying from person to person. However, we all share a major concern on a daily basis - being surrounded by negativity. Approximately 90% of the 60,000 thoughts that enter our minds each day are negative, and negative energies tend to attract similar energies, along with their associated consequences. When we turn on our televisions, we are inundated with news of mass shootings, murders, and crime-focused television shows. Moreover, sugar is advertised on TV more than crime, yet it statistically causes more harm to our health by deteriorating our well-being and inviting diseases and death. So how can we emerge victorious? Why do these negative energies outweigh positive experiences? How can we overcome negativity? Unfortunately, many of us allow worries to occupy our minds. From my own conviction, I believe that if we allow these worries to fester and penetrate our subconscious minds, they may very well become a reality. Therefore, it is crucial that we rebound a significant portion of negativity to lead a happy, healthy, and prosperous life.
Meditation is an excellent way to enter into a limitless field of positivity. However, how many of us have the time for it? And even when we do, how many of us have successful meditation sessions? Effective meditation requires practice and is developed over time. Another great option is turning to church, and I don't just mean on Sundays. When we embrace religious principles, we begin to travel down a path of love, freedom, and joy. I will never challenge any religion or its beliefs since prayers themselves are a form of autosuggestion. However, they are most effective when combined with specific knowledge of the stories recounted in the Bible.
Although I was born Hindu, I lead a more spiritually focused life than a religious one. I firmly believe in the law of life, that our thoughts from yesterday create our experiences today. As such, I have read and studied hundreds of books covering self-improvement, quantum physics, religion, business, wealth, and biographies of successful entrepreneurs and leaders. The one aspect that all of these books have in common is the significance of specific suggestions that are directed towards the subconscious mind. These books stress the importance of reciting affirmations or autosuggestions both verbally and through thought, every morning, evening, and throughout the day.
Years in planning, 500 books later, everything came together to launch Narayan Zen
A few years ago, I had an idea of how I could help many others by raising awareness. My plan was to use clothing, one of our basic necessities, as a vehicle to reprogram our minds, channel positivity, build faith, and expect results. I often encountered people who struggled to cope with 90% of their problems using only 10% of their mind power. I had a burning desire to help them and decided to release a line of shirts with messages that would aid them in areas of health, wealth, mind, body, and spirit. The autosuggestions were printed in reverse to avoid criticism from non-believers and negative people who would judge without having their own experiences. People always have something to say, but if they could not read the message, they would not be able to criticize. The goal was to repeat the messages over and over in front of a mirror, so they would permeate and penetrate the subconscious mind through repetition, faith, and expectancy. They say that the subconscious mind is responsible for heartbeats, breaking down toxins, digestion, and over 6 trillion processes per second. If this is true, then why can’t we trust it to bring us health, wealth, and everything we desire? If you are on an aimless or unhealthy path, the clothing on this site can help you reprogram your mind to a positive state and live life through the discipline of channeled positivity and expectation.
I had memorized over 200 autosuggestions and even began to write my own. The knowledge gained from the books taught me the importance of giving in life. Giving is the secret to living. Over the last 20 years, I have built and sold three businesses in different industries. I have also partnered and coached my friends who were business owners, and they have all been very successful. Helping others with the knowledge I developed was fulfilling to me, and I never felt more complete about myself. The universe over-delivered to me what I needed and wanted in divine order. The Bible says that if you ask and believe, you shall receive. So why do so many people forget to ask? The answer is quite simple: they simply forget. Autosuggestion is a form of asking.
I have extracted ideas from my favorite authors and created powerful autosuggestions that, if applied, can positively impact lives. To benefit from them, you simply need to read the messages embedded by design on the shirts, unconditionally believe that what you want will be yours, and it will show up in your experience. The shirts serve as a daily or weekly reminder to ask, believe, and receive. When you wear them, you sustain a level of attention to the message and radiate positivity. This positivity attracts positive experiences. I launched Narayan Zen with products that can contribute to attracting positivity to our customers' experiences. As a result, we have received orders from over 180 countries worldwide.
VISION STATEMENT: To create a worldwide brand of self-empowerment clothing that is known for promoting positivity and repelling negativity.
MISSION STATEMENT: To make an honest profit by manufacturing and selling high-quality apparel with graphic and typographical designs that have a positive impact on people's lives.